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Further Reading

One of the great features of Kruger is its incredible diversity.  The KrugerExplorer App shares a huge amount of information about the park, its habitats and the wildlife that lives there, including over 300 animal profiles, 70 route guides, many maps and lots of other areas of insight.  It totals over 300,000 words of content! 


But Kruger is a diverse and complex environment and this also means that there are different opinions, insights and options available to gather information and learn about this wonderful place.  We’re ever keen to ensure visitors and users of the KrugerExplorer App have access to as much content as they want and so if you are looking for more, these are the further reading books we would recommend for the park. 


If you could use the links below to navigate to the different stores that would be hugely appreciated as it helps us with our relationship with Amazon and other suppliers and that in turn helps us keep the App updated.  Many thanks! 

Our favourite books on Kruger National Park

SASOL Birds of Kruger.jpg

Tarboton & Ryan, 2016

Available from:

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SASOL Birds of Southern Africa.jpg

Sinclair, Hockey, Tarboton, Ryan, 2014

Available from:

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WildGuides Animals of Kruger.jpg

Barnes, 2016

Available from:

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WildGuides Birds of Kruger.jpg

Barnes & Behrens, 2017

Available from:

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Trees of Southern Africa.jpg

Van Wyck & Van Wyck, 2013

Available from:

Amazon logo black.jpg logo.jpg
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