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The KrugerExplorer App Lockdown Emoji Safari...!

Writer's picture: KrugerExplorerKrugerExplorer

Updated: May 16, 2020

Hello everyone!

We hope you are still keeping well and safe through these incredibly challenging days around the world. It's such a difficult time for so many but it has been amazing to see how positively people have responded in helping and supporting each other where they can.

We know many of you are missing the bush and Kruger National Park in particular right now, so we wanted to spread a little joy and help take you back there... And so we created this KrugerExplorer App Lockdown Emoji Safari game!

The KrugerExplorer App Lockdown Emoji Safari Game!

It's a nice bit of fun - you basically have to figure out each of the Kruger species from the cryptic emoji clues. The first section is a mix of Mammals, Reptiles and Invertebrates and the second section is all Birds. They start off pretty easy but get more challenging as you go...!

All the animals in the game can be found in the KrugerExplorer App, but if you get stuck there are extra clues at the end of this blog post - but only if you really need them!! :-)

Please feel free to download / copy the image of the game and share it with friends and family who are missing the bush. It's very easy to send via WhatsApp and we'd be delighted if you posted it on Facebook or Instagram to keep friends entertained over the weekend...!

It is also worth mentioning that if you are missing the bush, or would just like some 'escapism' from lockdown, our KrugerExplorer App is a great resource for immersing yourself in the wilderness and exploring Kruger National Park from the comfort of home.

If you are a new reader and haven't seen it before, the App is a wildlife and journeys field guide to Kruger.

It contains over 400 detailed animal profiles, 500+ stunning identification photos, 70 guided journeys through Kruger's vast habitats and the most up-to-date maps of the park available today.

Despite us just being a two-person team, our App project has been featured by Apple as "App of the Day" and was "Highly Recommended" in the May/June 2020 edition of Getaway Magazine, so the feedback really has exceeded our expectations!

It is available to download on the App Store and Google Play and there are over 200 5-star reviews for the App across the two stores globally.

Our thanks as ever for following and reading. We hope today's Emoji Safari game and the KrugerExplorer App both bring you some welcome fun and escape from lockdown wherever you are in the world...! :-)

Stay safe and best regards,

Danny & Charlotte x


The KrugerExplorer App Emoji Safari Clues!

Ok, so if you are totally stuck on any of the animals in our KrugerExplorer Emoji Safari game, here are some extra clues to get you going again... Good luck!

Mammals, Reptiles & Invertebrates:

1. An easy one to start: think striped horse…!

2. Distant relative of pigs…

3. Africa's largest rodent, famous for its spiked defence…

4. A rock-loving antelope…

5. A colourful reptile…

6. A winged mammal with a sweet tooth…

7. A small but fearless predator…

8. A waterhole-loving reptile…

9. A bug with rather uncouth habits…!

10. A rare, scaled mammal…

11. Africa's smallest primate…

12. One of Kruger's rarest antelopes…

13. A beautiful skoenlapper

14. Deadly but legless…

15. One of the biggest animals in Kruger…!


1. You can get this easy warm-up without a clue…! :-)

2. Not related to the shark of a similar name…

3. Impressive scavenger eagle with a very short tail…

4. A lovely yellow nest builder…

5. A white heron that prefers mammals to birds...

6. Named after its stunning breeding male…

7. A favourite blue migrant visitor to Kruger…

8. A skilled fisherman…

9. One of the most wanted but least seen birds in Kruger…!

10. One of the most common and most seen birds in Kruger…!

11. A tiny cisticolid with some bright colours…

12. A wetland species with an upturned bill...

13. Similar to lapwings…

14. One of many of this family of wetland birds found in Kruger…

15. A stunning aerial hunter…

16. Related to the very common spurfowls…

17. Usually seen in small flocks, like a rodent with wings…

18. Uncommon ground fowl, named after someone…

19. A beautiful bird with vivid colours on its chest…

20. A colourful small bird with a funky hairstyle…

21. Another tiny cisticolid with a splash of colour on the chest…

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