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When we started developing the KrugerExplorer App idea, a key part of our project was creating something stunningly beautiful for visitors to Kruger National Park.  Using wonderful wildlife photography was central to that and the images included in the App and throughout the website and blog have hopefully gone some way to achieving that goal.

After lots of requests from App users and social media followers, we've now made some of our best photographs available for purchase via RedBubble.  A selection of these images is showcased in the following gallery, although there are many more in our RedBubble Store.  You can also see what photographic equipment we use by clicking the link below.

If you love any of the images found in the KrugerExplorer App, website or blog, but cannot find them on RedBubble, then you can contact us on  Enquiries regarding image usage can also be made using this email address.  


Many thanks for viewing our images,

Danny & Charlotte

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KrugerExplorer Photographic Gallery

Click any image to see available formats via RedBubble.

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